The Gathered Church and the Scattered Church

Here’s a great blog article by Jake Thurston from Indiana Wesley University.

Link: The Gathered Church and the Scattered Church

I just wanted to highlight this part of the article:

“The Church was never meant to be confined to a group of people who meet in a building for an hour once a week. The Church, God’s chosen people, are ultimately sent on a mission to make his name known everywhere they go through everything they do. Therefore, the Gathered Church’s job is to build up God’s people so they can scatter into the mission field. This is called the Scattered Church.

The Scattered Church is Christ-followers doing ministry outside the church building’s walls. They are actively engaging in the mission field through their work, families, and extra-curricular activities. Every waking moment, the Scattered Church is rubbing shoulders with people who don’t know Jesus, are far from him, or need built up in their own faith. This occurs when a barista encourages a customer who is having a bad day, a businesswoman casts a vision that makes the world a better place through Christian values, or a stay-at-home dad who reads Bible stories to his three kids. But then, after a week of ministry, the Scattered Church gathers together again on Sunday for worship, confessing sins, and being built up by the Word before scattering to their mission fields again.”