Church Beyond Walls @ Bethany United Methodist Church, Austin, TX

(If you are looking for the main Bethany UMC Website, click here.)

This is a website for sharing information, ideas, inspirations, and resources for Bethany United Methodist Church in Austin, Texas as we look at more ways we can love our neighbors in the community around us… reaching beyond the walls of the church.

Our agenda is simple: Love God. Love our neighbors. Love like Jesus!

Site maintained by Kevin Gourley (kevin@gourley.com)
Bethany Beyond Walls Ministry Team

Please, spend some time, reading the information shared on the various web pages here, read articles and watch videos posted by a wide range of individuals, churches, and denominations who are passionately pursuing ways of loving their neighbors more.

Matthew 22:36-40

Bethany United Methodist Church has always been very intentional about loving our neighbors, serving the local community and around the world. This has always been an important part of “who we are” at Bethany. You can click here to see some of the many ways we help our community already.

On this website, we are looking at broadening our vision for ways we might love and serve our local community, especially caring about the people we haven’t taken the opportunity to get to know and love yet.

Let’s reach beyond the walls of our churches and share God’s love with the world in an open, honest, authentic, respectful, and loving relationship with people who may not be involved in any church: agnostics, atheists, spiritual, non-spiritual, people who have never attended a church, former and current Christians who just haven’t been to a church in a while, people with doubts, people with questions, people like us, people not like us, anyone, everyone

Reaching Beyond Our Walls – Who Have We Been Overlooking?

By the way, if you are not a member of Bethany United Methodist Church in Austin, Texas, but sense God calling you to get involved in loving our community more, let’s talk.