This is a message from Kevin Gourley, Bethany’s Beyond Walls Ministry Team Coordinator (and maintainer of this website). I am excited about the future for Bethany United Methodist Church!
2024 is our year to grow and mobilize our efforts to pursue some exciting new endeavors to love our neighbors more, connect with our community, reach the folks all around us who have not been impacted by our other ministry endeavors. In other words, we are striving to follow the lead of what Jesus demonstrated, to spend more time connecting with our community and loving our neighbors, especially the ones we have been overlooking.
This isn’t just a “good idea.” This is at the heart of what Jesus said was the MOST IMPORTANT thing we are to be doing: loving our neighbors.
Nor is this a marketing campaign. This is about working toward discovering new ways of loving like Jesus, bringing the church Jesus loves closer to the people Jesus people loves, which is all persons. This is about including the people we have been overlooking! This is a mission of love.
I am inviting YOU to be a part of this effort at Bethany.
Please consider joining our Bethany Beyond Walls Ministry Team. How might you be of help? I don’t know! We’ll find a way to include you, as all of our combined gifts and talents will be important in this. We are very much exploring some new exciting ideas for 2024!
This website has a TON of information on this topic, so if you are intrigued to learn more, please click around and read more about all of this.
You might start HERE: Who Are We Maybe Overlooking? and then at the bottom of each page it has a link to the next page to read.
As you can tell, we’re serious about this. 2024 is our year to do some wonderful things reaching beyond our church walls, and we want YOU to be a part of this.
ONE OBJECTIVE: We especially want to have diversity in our ages and demographics represented on our team! Right now, we would love to add some more folks who are in the 20-45 age range!
Email me at kevin@gourley.com :
- if you want to join our email group just to follow what we’re doing, or…
- if you want to join our team and be a part of this wonderful endeavor
God bless you all.