Have We Ever Let Christ In?

During April 29th morning worship at General Conference, Mountain Sky Area Bishop Karen Oliveto, called on attendees to make God’s love visible in all they do and to embody the fullness of God’s love with justice and mercy.

“Jesus makes it plain that we are to receive one another, treat one another, serve one another, love one another as if we are serving him,” Oliveto said. “We need to see Imago Dei, the image of God, in each person — not just in the people who look like us, who talk like us, who think like us, who love like us, who believe like us. There are no excuses for us anymore.

Every single one of us has someone we don’t see,” she said. “Jesus doesn’t allow our voluntary ignorances and/or our hardness of heart to give us a pass on loving our neighbor. Every neighbor. Especially the ones we would rather overlook.”

Parts of her message were very reminiscent with my earlier post He Saw Zacchaeus.

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