As we consider the possibilities of what we might do to connect with the community around our church more, to not just talk about God’s love but to demonstrate God’s love, it can be overwhelming. Opening our eyes to the possibilities, and opening our hearts to following Jesus, we might come up with all sorts of ideas.
There’s the wise phrase “You can do anything, but you can’t do everything.” Well I’d modify that a little bit:
“You can do anything, but you can’t do everything. At least do something.“
Just to be a perpetual sharer of ideas and inspiration, here’s this morning’s inspiration. I am not saying we need to do this (below), but let’s do something! Pray, listen, do. Maybe that’s my new mantra: “Pray, listen, do.“
This is a United Methodist Church that hosts something called “Open Hands – Mercy Station – More Grace, Less Judgment.” They serve FREE breakfast to the community on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays! Right in their own community, reaching outside the walls of their church, and it’s more than a transactional way of giving, it’s relational, because in the process they get to know the people who come through their doors.