
Expand your vision of what “church” can be!

Yes, the church offers so many opportunities to invite people from the community to attend numerous gatherings, classes, and activities at church. That’s great!! But what about the majority of the community around the church, outside our church walls? How might we reach out to them? How do we be the church to them? How do we love them, unless we make the extra effort to know them? That’s actually what Jesus did, quite often. Let’s be creative and explore new ways of being the church to the rest of the community around us!

The possibilities are endless! You might even be overwhelmed with the number of ideas shared below. Well, there’s the saying, “You can do anything, but you can’t do everything!” But at least do something! This web site provides a glimpse of the many things being done in the Christian world to reach out and love our neighbors beyond the walls of our churches.

Explore. Read. Pray. Be inspired by all the creative ideas! But don’t stop there. Let’s go beyond just thinking about this as a good idea and do MORE to mobilize our efforts to share the love of Christ with the community around us!

As you explore all these ideas, some might strike you with an “ah ha” moment, a “hey, I think we could do that at Bethany” kind of moment. For those ideas, let’s talk further. Again, we can’t do everything, but we can sure do something! For many of the ideas, they can be done with just 2 or 5 or 10 people. Involve your small group, your grow group, your Sunday School Class. Involve your friends.

Exciting ideas are spreading around the globe!

Also there are SO many great books for more inspiration! Click Here

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