Fresh Expressions

Fresh Expressions is an international, cross-denominational, creative movement of Christians working alongside existing congregations to cultivate new forms of church for those who have never been involved in church or who have left the church.

The purpose of Fresh Expressions isn’t to get people to attend a traditional or typical form of church on Sunday mornings. The purpose of Fresh Expressions is to connect with people, especially those who would never enter a church building, to form new faith communities in places where people are already gathering in contemporary culture. They are found in coffee shops, tattoo parlors, homes, parks, beaches, online spaces, and more.

Check out all the great Fresh Expressions resources below and expand your thinking about what “church” can be! Also check out our Inspirations web page for links to many other groups and ideas who have a similar intent of connecting with our community more deeply in sharing the love of Jesus.

This video explains the concept of Fresh Expressions of Church:

VIDEO: Refresh Your Community – Fresh Expressions of Church

This short video produced by the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church explains more. Well worth watching:

VIDEO: Fresh Expressions Florida

Another great video from Fresh Expressions Florida:

VIDEO: A Conversation: Fresh Expressions